
Monday, March 23, 2009


I am excited about several recent events in our life. FIRST, I'm pregnant!!! We have baby #2 due sometime in November. SECOND, I am definitely a candidate of morning sickness. THIRD, we are introducing new foods to Samuel all the time, some he likes some he doesn't. I write all this to set up our scenario....Samuel hates peas. So today when I introduced "Spring vegetables with brown rice" I wasn't sure if he would consume all the green goo. Thankfully he did!! Then came fruit. He loves fruit...he GOBBLES up fruit. So as he ate, his face contortions changed from yummy to gagging. Gagging led to a green highchair, green baby, green mommy, and no more lunch! WOW!!!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

It'll all come out wash day. Congrats, friend! Shall i think pink?