
Thursday, February 4, 2010

4:00 AM giggles

Samuel is curled up with his blanket sleeping soundly as mommy and daddy try to stay awake waiting for the doctors to make their morning rounds. Wednesday evening they took Samuel off all IV fluids and encouraged us to feed him whatever he would eat. He ate some ""healthy" Chef Boyardee, yogurt, apple juice, crackers and played on a makeshift pallet on the floor. We all went collapsed into a deep sleep around 9:00 pm, but Samuel decided he had slept enough for one week and was up and down most of the night. Superman Daddy gave in and stayed up with him about 5:00 am --- shortly after they took his blood. To my utter joy and delight we are getting the old Samuel back this morning. Giggles, smiles, talking, eating, and walking. ALL of these had been absent for a week!!!! So we sit and wait now as Samuel snoozes.... I hope we will be sent packing and out the door today. God is good.

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