
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble Gobble

I'm thankful for shrills and shrieks. That reminds me that my children are having fun as they wreck havoc in our living room.

I'm thankful for open-mouthed kisses from my gummy baby! That tells me he is absorbing his surroundings and practicing with his own twist.
I'm thankful for extra quilts and sweatpants. I don't lack clothing or shelter.

I'm thankful for my husband. He is the man that takes time to invest in his children AND changes a dirty diaper or two. He encourages me and keeps me in check...usually in the same sentence!

I'm thankful for phrases like "bwu momas" and "pwease" and "wove u." Affectionately dubbed the toddler, Samuel is blooming into a big brother, a loving son, and an ecstatic cousin.

I'm reluctantly thankful for dirty dishes. For though I do not possess a dish washer, I never lack hot meals to feed my loved ones.

I'm thankful for overcrowded closets oozing with toys, shoes, and clothes. This allows us to tidy up, strip down, and dust off. There are many in want and many in need 365 days a year. Hopefully we can pass on the Peace that passes all understanding to a deserving family and some toys too.

Even though we face an uncertain future with the loss of Tim's job this autumn, we are surrounded by friends and family.  My children may never know how many newspapers I've scoured or coupons I've clipped. I rejoice in the golden consignment sales I've cruised when Christmas morning arrives and my boys have "new" toys to explore and warm winter clothes to wear. I accept the challenge of "free dates." THEY do exist and can be just as much fun to keep the fire alive in my marriage. Love covers all.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

1 comment:

Jennifer Ezell said...

Thanks for sharing... loved reading this!