
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pants are Optional

Potty training has been a thorn in my side. I hear these fairy tales of moms and kids performing on cue and gaining results within just a few days. I clung to this hope and proceeded to begin training Samuel after he turned 2. MY goals were simple: 

1. Train Samuel to use the toilet
2. Save loads of money on diapers/pull-ups

So we began this oh so blissful process and failed miserably at every turn. At first he didn't seem to get the concept. I could accept this. We would halt my fruitless efforts and wait a month or two and pick up the process again. Then I began to notice defiance. Smart little bugger just refused to play my games. He could care less about going to the bathroom. He would even announce he used the potty in his diaper, but NOTHING could sway him to plop it in the toilet. At this point I was left with a mound of extra laundry...wet undies... and frustration.

I gave up again. And again. And again.

Samuel turned 3 on July 3 this year and I was determined to break through his barriers. There was NO REASON to have 3 kids in diapers and Maggie's due date is fast approaching. I was even encouraging David towards potty training and leaving out Samuel. Why not??
So with bull-headed stubbornness and the most solemnest mommy face I could muster, I sat down with Samuel for a chat. I told him the Monday after his birthday that he was now a big boy. He was 3 years old and would start wearing underwear and going potty like a big boy. 

He looked at me and said "Okay mommy." 
"Okay---that's it. Did you hear me son?"
" Can I wear my choo-choo underwear?"
"Uh-sure thing kid"
He donned his Thomas the train undies and never looked back.

Sure we've had one or two mishaps, but there was no training involved. No big accidents. I am relieved and perplexed.....

Samuel is potty trained. He doesn't particularly care to wear shorts, but would rather show off his undies and I'm ok with that for now!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live reading ur blogs especially this one. Trey is 2 1/2 and we have been trying to get him to
Potty train and hes not liking it. He wont tell us when he has to go and like you i have lots of wet undies to wash. So im taking a lesson from u and not stress it so much. Thanks! I need this today!

-Dawn Lundeen