
Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Healing Aroma of Coffee

Admission is so hard at times. Yet one thing is certain. As a mother of active children, I lean on my morning cup of joe for daily support. I take it even farther than  that. I admittedly fall under the label of coffee snob. EEK! I try to buy local flavors, grind it just so at home, and brew it on my fabulous espresso machine.

My children ensure me on a regular basis that I don't lose my attachment to caffeine. For example...

Tim embarked on a Men's Retreat with our church last night as soon as he left work for the week. I was home alone with my boys for 24 hours. I made sure I tucked myself in by 10:30 p.m. so that I'd be rested for a Saturday packed with activity. I tossed and turned but drifted off into dreamland. By midnight, I could feel an extra warm body worming into bed with me. I granted David his own pillow and turned over. He groaned and kicked and muttered, nothing new on his radar. Then at 2:00 am I scramble out of my rem cycle to David puking on my lovely bed. Well, I needed to change the sheets anyway I told myself. I dragged HIS easily cleanable mattress to the bathroom, stacked towels on it, set a large bowl on the floor, and tucked David in for the remainder of the night.

Now I am wide awake, but the night is hardly over.

I pray, nay, beg God for a quick descent into sleep again. No sooner had I fallen asleep and my room lit up from outside the window and my tidy home shook on its foundation. Those forecast-ed thunderstorms finally showed up at 4:00 a.m. Samuel comes scrambling into bed with our cat and dog close behind. Within minutes I am surrounded by warm bodies.. furry and not. Dakota, a Husky mix, is now taking up more space than Tim does. Anya is hogging my pillow. My son is gripping my arm and snuggling close and I am praying the baby keeps on sleeping and thankful he hasn't learned the art of escape yet.

Needless to say, the aroma of my french vanilla latte this morning was a balm to my soul and helped chase away the cobwebs and foggy children dancing with energy and begging for sustenance this Saturday morning.

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