
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sick Days

Time to vent.

I realize we only have 2 kids, but arriving on time ANYWHERE is quite a challenge! If we are all dressed to leave then we have an understocked diaper bag. If David is shiny and clean then he promptly spits up on the cute outfit I saved for an outing. If the boys (including daddy) make out alright, then I can't find anything in my overstuffed closet that hides the baby weight or doesn't desperately need an iron.
We are Church gypsies right now as well. We are taking our time finding a church home and so we at least ATTEMPT to arrive at a new destination on time. Last week we caught the last 15 minutes of Sunday, so embarrassing! Well TODAY was different. We got up breakfasted and dressed (EARLY) then started doing the same for the kids. Samuel came to breakfast with snot caked all over his face and a scratchy deep cough. Well so much for swimming to church this morning.....


Jennifer said...

Awe, I hope he gets better. Lincoln has had that stuff for a week now. Let me know when he is better and we will come see you guys.

Heather H. Metcalfe said...

Certainly! Sounds good to me :)