
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It seems I have relented to my many fans! ;) I will keep posting musings of my perfect children...

To start things off, I just spent 2 miserably wonderful days in bed with a 103+ fever, aches,  and sore throat. Though I DID appreciate the rest I was ready for my boys to come home from being spoiled loved by Grandmother and Papa. I soaked up their giggles, tears, and hugs this evening with a renewed sense of purpose. Bath time arrived with excitement. I have already started plopping both boys in at once and love to observe their interaction. As routine goes I scrub up Lil Chubbs (aka David), feed and put him in bed whilest Samuel drenches everything in and around the tub. It literally takes 1 minute FLAT to walk to the boys room, lay down David and return to the bathroom. Do you know where I am going with this??? 
This short absence was all the time it took for Samuel  to deposit 2 little presents in the tub. This is the first time he has ever done the deed in the tub and was clearly upset. Salty fat tears ran down his cheeks and once he saw his rescuer, he threw up his arms in a GET ME OUT OF HERE stance. Once he was on the "other side" he looked at me with all seriousness he could muster and said uh-oh! I was left to clean up the mess while Samuel looked on and repeated his phrase. Our tub is squeaky clean now and Daddy has a video on his phone... heeheehee!

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