
Monday, October 18, 2010

Guilty by show of hands

BOTH the boys are sick. And not just one symptom. We have the full on crusty, drippy nose. The kind that leaves a trail up the arm as its wiped haphazardly and could easily win some sort of guiness book of world record in the boogers department. Then there is the coughing. We haven't hit the stage of manners yet, so the cough goes spewing into whatever is close by: Person, animal, toy or furniture. Tack on whining, fever, on and off cuddling, and did I mention whining... my weekend and Monday have been put on hold. Nothing is accomplished and lots of tissues are piling up. 

I wrote such a descriptive preview as to point out that boys should not be prone to mischief when sick. Shouldn't they want to lay on the couch, read a book and sip hot tea???? It always works for me.... No, Samuel would rather get into my  BLACK stamp pad that I, the responsible adult, left on the kitchen table. Whilst cooking a nutritious luncheon of fish sticks, corn on the cob, and cantaloupe(1 out of 3 isn't bad), He managed to paint the table, chair, chair cushion, wall, his companion the backhoe, my laundry basket and of course the clothes and hands attached to his body.

 Ink is permanent for a reason. Yet stubbornly I tried several methods of removing the stains from his hands. FOR THE RECORD: lotion, soap, and eye makeup remover do not cut it!

Do you see that guilty face? Cute, yet loaded with regret....


Anonymous said...

It's not funny, but it is. I can just hear you telling it. And Samuel's face is priceless:) Hope they feel better soon!

Heather M. said...

Thanks! ME TOO! It's grouch central around here right now!