
Monday, March 7, 2011

We can do YES we can!

I've tried and given up. I've postponed and worked vigorously in the same week. I've forgotten for weeks at a time and started over from the beginning. I've bartered and begged, whimpered and whined. Any clue as to my dreaded task?

Potty training

     I think this is the one task in raising children that I would be perfectly okay with shipping my kids off for a week and have them come home all trained and ready for the next step in life! Instead I'm left with piles of soiled dinosaur training pants, a temperamental toddler, and a diminishing pile of M&M's that aren't doing the trick! Samuel is on the verge of getting the concept yet not caring either way. BUT THIS MOMMA CARES. I will not have more kids in diapers than absolutely necessary. 
     We've managed to go from 20 trips to the bathroom down to 10 in the morning hours. I've finally convinced Samuel he can take his pants off and put them on and that I don't care if they are on backwards...they are ON! Half the time its just a t-shirt anyways. THAT WORKS TOO! And so I plunge on (no pun intended), determination in hand, extra laundry approval, and patience in the works.

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