
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Daniel's Birth Story-- Part 3

Go HERE for Part 1 of this exciting thriller of a story!  
Go HERE for Part 2 of this exciting thriller of a story! 

     Tim swung through the late night drop-off and I waddled and hunched my way from the ER entrance to the 2nd floor Labor and Delivery. As per hospital regulation, the receptionist began handing me paperwork to sign. I was so relieved to be close to receiving some relief (pain meds) that I was overjoyed to fill out paperwork. BUT It required me to be on my knees grunting through contractions. I managed 2 signatures before I gave up. I dumped my purse in Tim's arms and left him dumbfounded at the counter. 
     By then, a nurse had been summoned and I followed her back. AT this point I couldn't even keep up. Pain radiated from tip-top to toes and my resolve was fading quickly. She yelled back "Meet me in room 12" and left me in the hall. Crazy nurse! Didn't she know I was in labor?!?! The charge nurse was all business. Just what my body needed this night. I walked in the room, practically threw my clothes at her while attempting to done the beautifully crafted hospital gown...HA! Those things are a joke and I'm not sure mine ever actually made it completely on.  I was already announcing I would gladly accept any form of pain medicine as I hobbled onto the bed. But of course, the response was lets check you first. I slithered around on the bed not cooperating and continuing to ask for relief when the nurse started shaking her head and smiling. SMILING! 

Page the doctor. Membranes bulging. Fully effaced.

...And more mumbo- jumbo that I wasn't catching due to labor pains. Now I'm not an expert on medical terms, but I knew what she was saying. I would not be pulling an all-niter. This baby was coming. I just had to wait for the doctor to arrive. Another nurse stepped up and quickly began inserting an IV into my arm while  explaining that..

I was ready to deliver
There would be no medication b/c they wanted the baby to be alert
NOT to push until the OB arrived
To focus on how exciting it was that my baby would be here soon, and
The doctor was en route.

      My wonderful, seasoned husband had assumed his position next to my head, giving me his hand, to vent my pain through. A murky few minutes later, the doctor sailed in and broke my water. I proceeded to push for 2 excruciating MINUTES and a slippery, squalling baby was born. The nurse lifted the baby and announced  

You have a beautiful healthy baby boy.
Silence. Confusion. Relief. Questions.
Honestly our first question was "How long have I been here?" 
You walked in our doors 16 minutes ago 
We have a BOY?
Tim-there's just one baby in there right?
OK, lets see this precious gift! 

     From beginning to end my labor lasted a mere 3 hours. A quick delivery to top off everything as well.  Not that there is an option, but I wouldn't change anything about my experience. I prayed that God would direct my decisions in labor and delivery for this child. Torn between comfort and the unknown, I laid it in God's hands. I was so scared of delivering naturally, but when it came down to it God CREATED us. HE KNOWS our stamina and limits. He created my inmost being... knows the number of hairs on my head. 

Ah-la natural labor...ehh just another day in the history books! ;)

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Despite already knowing this story, I am crying. I love birth stories!