I have boys. I can handle gross. I'm prepared for what lies ahead as my minions branch out on their own adventures and bring home a story worth retelling. I already have well used mason jars stashed under my sink, dimpled lids, ready to catch what dares to enter my parched summer yard.
But for now its damp and chilly. Rainy days and overcast skies. Comprised immune systems and raw noses. Elderberry, Echinacea, Astragalus, and many more compounds are stashed in the fridge and dosed daily (okay, well I ATTEMPT to at least). Our goal in a modern medicine world is to see our pediatrician on a regular basis, at church, without his doctor bag. Yet with iron clad immune systems, we are still vulnerable to the world we live in. How do you convince a toddler that the Target shopping cart is not a chew toy?!?! Sorry, I regress.... So we were SLAMMED with the dreaded stomach bug.
It was horrible.
A death angel disguised in body fluids.
We(Rugged Artist included) quarantined the family and immersed ourselves in revolving laundry and TLC. At one point I called in back up and Grandmother stepped in and helped out this frazzled momma. But Alas she too succumb(bless her heart).
Finally things have begun to right themselves. Our Alabama winter has smiled on us too. We basked in the sunshine with clear heads and calm tummies. Dump trucks and back-hoes were dragged outside and put to work.
We sought out lingering mud puddles.
We visited our neighbors, grandparents and great-grandparents.
Windows were left open,
all surfaces scrubbed and scrubbed again,
fresh laundry put in its proper place,
and war casualties stacked on the porch ready for the dumpster.
I'll sleep well tonight.
What's your best remedy, go-to, clean-up, recovery for such a time as this?
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