
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Doctor Ordered Remedies

Poor Daniel. Third in line and sometimes my mommy brains flat line! This past weekend was a whir of activity and Daniel was eating his meals out of squeezable baby food packs. I've tried several varieties and settled on one brand that he seems to enjoy and I like the combination of fruits and veggies.

One such pouch contained pears, beets, and strawberries. Not thinking of his age, I fed it to him thinking how yummy it sounded. I was a bit premature with the strawberries, and I noticed Monday that his bottom was quickly showing an aversion. Nothing I used seemed to ease his obvious discomfort. By Tuesday, I was scrambling for home remedies and finally decided to call the doctor.

I love our doctor. He doesn't jump on the medication wagon unless necessary. I described the problem and how I had been treating his heated and painful rash. I swear he chuckled before responding that Daniel's chubby cheeks needed some sunshine. Dry air and sunlight were in order.

This morning I lugged out a large quilt, several special toys, and a diaperless Daniel to the side yard. He of course loved the freedom and could care less about staying on the quilt with mommy. He roamed and explored and gave his family a good laugh, all while airing out those chubby cheeks.

P.S. I know it looks like autumn in the pictures, but our shade tree thinks it should shed its leaves in July. Happens every year...

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